Young Investigators travel ship

Travel Awards
Verónica Lagos (Chile)
Tatiana Olivares (Mexico)
Leslie Sombers (USA)
Roland Staal (USA)
Renata Hordejuk (Poland)
Colin Rickman (UK)
Jenny Briolat (France)
Djida Ait-Ali (France)
Laura Virginia Pereira Teixeira Ribeiro(Portugal)
Jorge Fuentealba (Spain)

Thanks to the generous support of:

The International Society for Neurochemistry
IBRO (Developing countries prefer)
Instituto Teófilo Hernando (members of the ITC only)

We can offer a limited number of travel ship grants  for Ph.D. students. Postdoctoral people will be also considered.
To apply for it, a letter from your supervisor is mandatory. Please send it by airmail to:

Dr. Ricardo Borges
Unidad de Farmacología
Facultad de Medicina
Universidad de La Laguna
E-38071 La Laguna
Tenerife. Spain

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