Abstract guidelines:


How submit an abstract...

We encourage to submit your abstract as an electronic file.

1- Be sure that you have submitted your conference registration form BEFORE submitting your abstract file.
2- Normally, only one abstract per registrant will be accepted.
3- Abstract must be written in English (British or US).
4- Deadline for electronic submission of abstract May 31, 2003 (extended to June, 15).
5- Abstract should be composed using the example Word file (see below). Then, you must send us an email to
isccb12@ull.es with your abstract Word file attached. Faxed copies or diskettes cannot be accepted.
6- All submitted abstracts will be subjected to review by a committee. The accepted abstract will be presented at the relevant poster session nr. 1-8 in the programme, according to your choice. Also, please prepare a 5 min talk + no more than 2 slides for the poster discussion sesion.

In case of difficulties using the abstract file or with Internet transfer, please contact us by:
Fax: 34-922-655995
Phone: 34-922-319346



Abstract format

The accompanied Word file (see below) has been created to maintain an uniform style through the abstract book. Notice that Times New Roman must be the only font used through the text. If you need to include symbols please use the 'Symbol' command at the 'Insert' menu.
You can use either platform Mac or PC and the 97/98 Word version or newer. You only need to type the text directly on each window maintaining the style of the section. Overwritting the text of the example is the simplest way.
Please notice that the whole abstract should occupy only one A4-side. If you decide to include one figure or table please keep this space limit. Do not change the case size. The styles prefixed of the text are (see the example):

Use uppercase. 14 pt., bold. Justified.
Authors and filiation:
Authors in full name (Name, Initial, Surname); Please underline the presenting author. Put address in another line. 12 pt., Italic. Unjustified.
Body text:
Use no indentation. 12 pt., Normal style.
When needed. Use the space provided. Type references in short as in example. 10 pt., Normal style. Leave empty if there are no references.
When needed. Use the space provided. 10 pt., Normal style.

Please be sure that your abstract does not occupy more than one A4 side!

If your web browser opens automatically the Word file (
Abstract.doc), you must use the “Save” option in “File” menu or click on the link (DOWNLOAD) with the right button and choose the “Save as” option.


Download the example (Word file) here >>> DOWNLOAD

Before submission, please rename this document (Abstract.doc) with the first author surname i.e. Smith.doc

Remember, deadline: May 31, 2003


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